Moorcrofts appointed a pilot partner to the Linux Foundation’s ‘OpenChain’ Project
Moorcrofts, appointed a pilot partner to the Linux Foundation’s ‘OpenChain’ Project in August, has cemented its commitment to the project by meeting Shane Coughlan, project director for Open Chain Project and the core team of other pilot partners in Prague on 24th October.
At the meeting, Andrew Katz, CEO of Moorcrofts, committed to deepening the relationship and contributing to the OpenChain project. Consistent with the principles of free and open source software, Moorcrofts has been working hard with members of the OpenChain Project to capture and develop the processes and materials which will be made freely available to organisations large and small and which will guide the project to adoption throughout the software world.
Andrew Katz, said: “Moorcrofts is delighted to be involved in this important project, and the Open Source Summit in Prague was the perfect opportunity to catch up with the partners we already know, and meet the ones we’ve only spoken to online. The core team represents huge talent and drive, and it’s wonderful to be a part of it.”
Shane Coughlan, said: “The OpenChain Project allows any organisations of any size to self-certify to an industry standard for open source compliance in the supply chain. We are mindful that not all organisations will want to self-certify or may seek help to self-certify, and to address this we created a pilot partner program. This provides links to commercial parties who can support organisations through education or with legal advice. We are delighted to work closely with Moorcrofts in the pilot and we look forward to collaborating further as we consider how a broader partner program may be constituted in the future.”
For more information regarding the ‘OpenChain’ Project, please contact Andrew Katz: